Dear Dennis,
I am writing this letter to you from a very far distance from you. Even though I am unsure where you are now, I can never forget where you were on 9th May 2022. There is no way I can forget that fateful day and what has now gone down as an encounter of historic proportion. One that defied the scheming of ethnic militiamen and escaped the wrath of vainglorious agents of darkness.
That day, it was brought to the fore in the most flagrant way: human injustice and hatred against fellow humans. It encapsulated the merit and importance of being good. It portrayed the essence of virtue, which great men utilise in the arduous task of nation-building and, of course, for the benefit of mankind.
Dear Dennis, I am breathing in and out to this point for the mercy of God and His guidance in giving me the wisdom to react in the manner I did in the hands of my would-be killers. Naturally, the clear understanding of a great man like you, who comprehended my message and resonated with it, played a huge part.
At that moment, when nothing was assured. But that one may never live to see the next 15 minutes without being hacked most painfully by people whose only crime is their ethnicity and faith. Although I have lived all my life advocating for peaceful coexistence among people of all tribes, religions, and backgrounds.
It was agonising and ironic that the cause of my death would have been what I had lived all my life striving to address. The world would know no evil if great men like you discern the messages of people like us, whether the world accepts them or not. You did not only listen as I spoke amid large swaths of people gathered in Takum. You had come as one of the passers-by, but you strategically intervened by supporting my points and taking me to the back of your motorcycle. You did all these because humanity means humanity to you with all its benevolence. This, fellow Nigerians, should learn.
No doubt we are in a tangled situation. Prices of commodities have skyrocketed, and earnings have remained largely the same or dropped significantly. Nigeria’s inflation has remained at double digits since 2016. ‘In September 2023, the headline inflation rate increased to 26.72% relative to the August 2023 headline inflation rate, which was 25.80%. On a year-on-year basis, the headline inflation rate was 5.94% points higher compared to the rate recorded in September 2022, which was 20.77%,’ National Bureau of Statistics.
Anything that could instigate the people against the people has been in place. However, the best bet is to persevere, as things won’t remain stagnant. There will be changes. Yes, positive changes if Nigerians continue to stand for what is right no matter the provocation, threats, and hazards that can lead one to do otherwise, just as Dennis, my eternal friend, rose to support me at a moment when not only my life but also his were in danger by his stance.
This is a letter from a grateful heart to a good Nigerian, Dennis, wherever you could be at this hour, as I have lost your contact. Your maturity, actions, and position on 9th May 2022 are the way forward for Nigeria. Therefore, Nigerians worldwide will be in a better position to flourish if we follow this path that leads to nothing except development for the most populous black nation on earth. I am eternally grateful, Dennis until we meet again.
Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani wrote from Turaki B, Jalingo, Taraba State.