A fool I was,

To believe we shared something.

I had never felt so broken before,

Not even when my last left me.

I should have learned my lesson then,

But NO!!

I believed you were better than that.

Now, it’s all plain in sight,

Directly in my face 

I can’t deny the obvious truth anymore.

Your betrayal hurt like hell,

The thought of our “forever deal” breaking off 

Keeps turning me mad,

I seem to be losing control……

I know this is me 

not letting go of the shattered dreams,

But if this is truly a dream,

Wake me up to reality 

I don’t think I can survive this pain.

©Ink of Emotions 


One thought on “A fool”
  1. Poetry!
    A written simple lines with harder perception
    Not the words a times, but the themation
    Wrapped up in mixed with emotion.

    I want be a poet; help me sort it out, please!

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