By Abdullahi Khairalla

I am not a huge fan of reviewing books that come my way because of personal reasons, but this time around, I felt compelled to share some major lessons and takeaway from a book I personally found rich in ideas for building and shaping leadership journey of any aspiring leader across different sectors.

“Lead Disruption” is a book written by Dr. Akin Oke with thrust and focus on providing a guide for exceptional leadership performance in this era of turbulence and uncertainty.

To begin with, the author began by establishing the fact that, the world today is faced with all kinds of disruptions, chaos occasioned by the accelerating rate of change and uncertainty in our hyperkinetic environments caused fundamentally by three seismic events:

  • Global Health Pandemic(Covid-19)
    *Global reorganisation of work due to the adoption of new technologies and
  • The ongoing geopolitical transformations across the globe (east/west tension).This according to him, summarises our world into VUCA meaning– Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

Additionally, recent predictions about the advance of the fourth industrial revolution indicate that the speed of change, uncertainty and disruption to businesses will continue to increase. The world will have to brace up for potential global economic recession and the effects of climate change due to the continued depletion of ozone layer. This rapid change taking place, will invariably displace the old order and that will require leaders who are well-packed and positioned with requisite skills to transit their businesses and societies into prosperity in line with the new realities.

It is not a matter of conjecture that the Covid-19 has taken the world by surprise and has shifted and dismantled many old conventions, practices and ways of doing things that had previously existed during the pre-Covid era in our business space, industries, government halls and social realm. One thing that stood out is the complete migration of human race into a technological world, work from home, a situation he terms as the “new normal”

To effectively provide effective leadership in light of the current precarious reality of our fast-paced world, the book outlines among other themes and concepts such as self-awareness, resilience, innovation quotient, empathy and effective communication as critical elements for leaders to navigate through the tough and murky waters of the VUCA world.

I will touch briefly on each of the concepts for the sake of time. Self-awareness is the bedrock of effective leadership. This is because effective leadership, begins with good self-leadership. For a leader, knowing yourself and staying true and authentic to oneself is one of the salient assets you need, to be able to lead others in times of uncertainty. Asking yourself how well do you know your personal traits, your strengths, weaknesses, values and preferences? are very critical for a leader that aspires to lead his people even in times of turbulence. Dr. Akin Oke gave an analogy of a dangerous turbulence called “clear-air” by aviators that airplanes face which occurs when the plane has stabilised and in the cruising altitude and is always difficult to predict as radars cannot signal it in advance.

At this point, pilots are not too concerned about it, because the body of the plane itself has the ability to come back to its original planned position based on the inherent strengths of the plane itself. “Aeronautical engineers call this ability positive stability and pilots will tell you that the secret lies within the complex technical configurations at work in-between the wings of the plane and the in the belly of fuselage. This is the same way ‘self-awareness works for a leader. Leaders should have this capacity within them-they must build that resilience within them, that positive stability. And you cannot do that without having a good configuration of yourself (you morality, integrity, honesty, etc)”

Again,self-awareness is very important as there is a strong nexus between private morality and public morality of a leader because his personality is molded by these two realities. Though, this assertion has met stiff criticism by some leaders who try to separate public morality from their private morality. Unfortunately, these two intertwined. While it’s true a leader is human like everyone else and is entitled to private life outside the public role, the reality is that the leader’s private life can have serious consequences on the larger society especially in terms of public perception or behaviour. A bigoted leader, for example, is unfit to lead a company or plural society made up of people of diverse inclinations, backgrounds and idiosyncrasies. This is because his professional sense of judgement will be affected. A bad father , would not be the ideal person to lead or speak to other about fatherhood or parenting,especially if his private life as a failed father is a matter of public knowledge.

Another key element highlighted in the book is of course ‘resilience ‘ which is about the ability of a leader to respond in a positive and constructive way to uncertainty. It is about adapting to a prompt change and capacity to bounce back after a setback. A leader is required to be resilient even in the face of towering threat and dilemma and do everything to emerge out of it. This of course led the author to introduce me to a concept previously unfamiliar to me ‘antifragility’ which is a notch higher than resilience. While resilience rests on the capacity to bounce back after a setback, antifragility has to do with not only bouncing back but how to learn to thrive in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Simply put ‘a resilient leader resists shocks and stays the same, the antifragile leader gets better”.

Equally, the author looks at the central role of innovation in propelling one to be an effective leader in times of disruptions such as the covid era. Innovative leadership lies in the ability of a leader to provide solutions that lead to improvement in the life of an organisation or society, using new ideas. Covid era is a referral case in point, with Zoom coming to the rescue of mankind at its most critical point of need. As a leader, your ability to generate breakthrough ideas that help and transform society at a time of needs and despair, speaks volume of you. Voltaire was right to say “no problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking”

The last but not the least, among the tips reeled out by the author is “empathy”. This is about a leader putting himself in workers’ or subjects’ shoes to understand their emotions and feelings while ultimately providing solutions to them. He interestingly demonstrated how a leader with no empathy may receive vitriolic backlash by his subjects or workers. The case of Adams Osiomole in 2013 was cited when he was begged by a widow illegally selling wares by the roadside, where he told her to, “Go and die”.

Although Oshiomole’s outburst stemmed from his frustration as a leader trying to enforce street trading laws in a bid to make the city better, his unguarded utterance was met with widespread condemnation. He had to organise a highly publicised reunion with the widow barely a month later to apologise.

The book reached its climax on stressing the invaluable role of ‘communication’ in engendering effective leadership. Effective leadership communication is about transferring message in such a way that it can be understood by all the parties involved. The leader should take into the audience’s level of understanding and ability, especially by enhancing the clarity and unambiguousness of the every message transmitted to them.

Without effective communication, nothing gets done in a society especially in hours of uncertainty. An example of former governor of New Yoke Mr. Andrew Cuomo was drawn especially his daily Covid-19 briefings viewed globally via CNN which were source of information, direction and vision casting without leaving his subjects second-guessing on every next move. It enabled New Yorkers to have clear vision of the impact of the Covid Pandemic on the state of New York and probably America at large.

As far as I am concerned, Borno state governor Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum is also a shining example of effective leader even in moments of fear and despair. This could be seen during his frequent state-wide broadcast during the pandemic in English, Kanuri and Hausa respectively which provided hopes, empathy, details of infection rates, estimated death toll, that way, the people of Borno were able to make informed decisions towards slowing down the spread of the virus by complying the with Covid protocols and appreciate the need to endure tough lockdown restrictions. This is the essence of leadership communication.

Finally, providing tips for building effective communication in leadership by the author is just “an icing on the cake” these are; Affirming words or communication with action(behaviour of the leader), Demonstrate and Provide stories, anecdotes that inspire and motivate action, Communicate relentlessly, Active Listening and encouragement of inputs, Clarity, and simplicity in communication.

Abdullahi Khairalla writes from Maiduguri

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